Floating free satellite EPIRB (ARB) COSPAS-SARSAT system with built-in receiver GLONASS / GPS type ARBM-406N is designed for use on marine vessels and floating facilities as emergency radio. ARBM-406N complies with international specifications C / S T.001 Committee of the COSPAS-SARSAT, resolution IMO, the requirements of the Russian River Register and the Russian Maritime Register.

ARBM-406N sends a message about the disaster on the frequency 406.037 MHz encoded information through international search and rescue satellite system COSPAS-SARSAT, allowing identification beacon. Also in the message is transmitted to device coordinates, and thanks to the integrated receiver GLONASS / GPS positioning accuracy ARB does not exceed 20 m. In addition ARBM-406N radiates tonal modulirovanny radio on 121.5 MHz for DF and the passing of the search.

  • Operating frequency: 406.037; 121.5 MHz
  • Transmitter power 5 ± 2 dB / 0.05 W
  • Positioning accuracy navigation receiver of its location, 20 m
  • Duration of work 48 hour
  • Operating temperature range, ° C -40 ... + 55
  • Dimensions of the beacon with a device separating mm 322h162h478
  • Weight of the device compartment, kg, not more than 3.2
  • RMRS
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