TRON Unidec

TRON Unidec
Tron UNIDEC - represents a decoding device (tester) for satellite distress beacons COSPAS-SARSAT. Designed for programming and testing of all types of signals of distress beacons. It works in the frequency band 406 - 406.1 MHz. The resulting report includes processing the decoded data along with measured data transmitter EPIRB COSPAS-SARSAT.
Tron UNIDEC certified by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
The device is used as an accessory for the annual comprehensive inspections ARB. Fully compliant with the requirements of IMO MSC / Circ.1040 and SOLAS IV / 15.9. It is recommended to calibrate Tron UNIDEC every two years. the device is connected via a USB cable, which is connected to a personal computer. Therefore data is exchanged between the tester and the PC.
  • Voltage - 1.5 - 3 V DC
  • Frequency Response - 406 - 406.1 MHz
  • Resolution - 5 Hz
  • Measurement accuracy - <100 Hz
  • RMRS
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TRON Unidec

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