RIB6 processor
RIB6 - represents a radar dedicated processor in the form of boards. The board is installed in the computer. It can be interfaced with analog and other types of radars. The setting is made directly on the board, through hardware or software settings. The principle of operation of radar processor card is in the processing of the radar video signal to digital, thus imposing image on an electronic map. Currently supported by two digital signal types and composite. RIB6 - can identify and track up to 500 targets, to record information on the hard drive continuously for a month. When applying the image, you can compare the differences of the radar reflection from the shore, buoys, beacons and other objects with an electronic card. At concurrence of pictures, set the GPS and gyro are working properly. scanner control is provided via a serial COM-port (RS422 interface). Also radar process provides noise rejection from the sea or other asynchronous, random noise.
RIB6 compatible with EX line Transas Navi-Sailor. It meets the requirements of the IMO Resolution.
A distinctive feature of this device is the ability to play the 'raw' radar picture. This function is used in the proof of emergencies, collision, dangerous maneuvers and so on. This kind of work the radar processor is often used ships and shore radar control station.
Basic functions RIB6:
- The selection of targets for the size of
- Automatic assignment of code names new goals
- Defining the parameters of motion targets
- Transformation of coordinates, orientation and scale of radar images
- Compensation antenna rotation irregularity
- Defining target coordinates
- Power - 24 V DC
- Protection class - IP23
- Interface - RS422
- Signal Type - binary / NMEA
- The pulse duration transmitter start - >= 100 ns
- Output - 2 x 100 Mbit LAN
- Output Impedance - 1k2, 75 w, 50 w
- The maximum amplitude - ± 25 V
- Overall dimensions - 221.4 x 237 x 30 mm
Available for order
Navigation by systems
There are currently about 30 ECDIS systems on the market. Even though they have a lot in common, they also have important differences in detail