Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System TSS / WATCH ALARM Valcom
Designed to monitor the functioning of the main conning position and identify disability OOW, which can lead to accidents.
BNWAS supplies light and sound signals to attract the attention of the ship's assistant, and in the absence of his reaction, performs alert the ship's captain and backup assistant.
BNWAS watch officer can provide immediate alarm management tool for emergency backup assistant captain and the navigation bridge.
All vessels in service shall be equipped BNWAS in the following order:
System TSS / WATCH ALARM abuse of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and IMO Resolution A.694 (17), MSC.128 (75) and has a Certificate of Type Approval RMRS № 10.00181.01 from 29.01.2010 (valid until 29.01.2015).
Verification system
Pressing the 'TEST / WORK' on the control panel features on the control panel display, audio - visual alarm panels alarm in the cabins, buzzer, light indication on the reset button and an emergency call button, the output signal is the alarm level 3.
Emergency call 'Emergency Call' (Option).
Additionally, we can set the button to lock the emergency call 'Emergency Call', when pressed on the button indicator is an emergency call, the buzzer sounds - light alarm Alarm level 2 on the alarm panel and the alarm is activated the alarm level 3. To cancel the alarm you must press the emergency call repeatedly, while the indicator will turn off the audio feed - light signaling the 2nd and 3rd level stops.
Emergency calls can be done from any mode 'MODE' Time BNWAS, including mode 'MODE' - 'Manual OFF' (BNWAS off).
The main and backup power.
Main 24V (DC) or 220V (AC - if the system power supply (optional)).
Backing 24V (DC) - rechargeable battery that provides power to the system for at least 6 hours
In the absence of main power SKDVP automatically switches to backup power, the control panel indicator is 'Fault'. After the restoration of the main power, the system automatically switches to the main power and the LED 'Fault' off.
Self-diagnostic system.
In case of internal diagnostic system malfunction BNWAS controller and starts flashing 'Fault'. The following settings are set 'Mode' - 'Manual On', 'Inactivity time' - 3 min, the output signal is a malfunction.
Launching system operation
Run the system into operation produces captain, it is necessary to install keys in the toggle keys 'MODE' and 'Inactivity time'. Set the desired timeout period 3 min, 6 min and 12 min in the toggle key - key 'Inactivity time' (key box shall indicate the selected mode).
Turn on the system for this to turn the key in the toggle key 'MODE' switch to 'Manual ON' or 'Automatic' (key box shall indicate the selected mode).
Remove the keys from the toggle key 'MODE' and 'Inactivity time' to prevent unauthorized off and change the time of the passive state of the system.
Shutting down the system.
To shut down the system to install a key in the toggle key 'MODE'.
Shut down the system for this to turn the key in the toggle key 'MODE' switch to 'Manual OFF' (key box shall indicate the selected mode).
Confirmation signal BNWAS.
Press the 'Reset' button on the control panel or the 'Bnwas Reset'.
Composition NMEA sentences (in quotation marks is what is in the proposal):
«$ BNALR,, 000,' - the first, unchangeable part of the sentence;
«A,» - the waiting period has expired or «V,» - the waiting period has not expired;
«A,» - alarm confirmed or «V,» - the alarm is not confirmed;
«C1 = AUT;» - automatic mode or «C1 = MAN;» - mode on / manual or «C1 = OFF;» - off;
«C2 = 03;' - the duration of the designated waiting period in minutes (03, 06, 12 minutes);
«C3 = 1' - the level of anxiety (1, 2, 3);
'*' - A sign of the checksum (code 2Ah);
«Hh» - checksum, 2-digit hex number 16 - a control XOR-sum of all bytes in the line between the '$' and '*';
<CR> - Byte is 0Dh; <LF> - byte is 0Ah
Example Offers $ BNALR,, 000, A, V, C1 = MAN; C2 = 06; C3 = 1 * 63 <CR> <LF>
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