Battery LSH14
LSH-14 Battery - is a one-time battery with a lithium thionyl chloride chemistry Li-SOCl2 and a nominal operating voltage of 3.6 V and a capacity 5800mAch. The product is an energy-optimized design of the roll electrodes. The battery consists of: housing, metal-glass germovyvoda, a lithium anode, a liquid cathode, the carbon catalyst and the safety valve.
LSH-14 meets the requirements of GOST R IEC 61960-2007.
The main advantages of these batteries:
- Long-term injuries;
- High reliability;
- Performance in a wide temperature range from -60 ° C to + 85 ° C;
- Have an emergency vent valve for the discharge gas;
- Fuse 5 A;
- Operation of up to 10 years. Self-discharge is 2% per year.
Such batteries are commonly used in sensors and fire protection systems, devices for gas flow control, water and electricity, and the navigation equipment.
- Operating voltage - 3.6V
- Working temperature - -60 ° C + 85 ° C
- Open circuit voltage - 3.67 in
- Chemical composition - Li-SOCl2
- Nominal capacity - 5.8 Ah
- Dimensions - mm 26h26h50.4
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