Integrated Bridge System (IBS) Praxis

Integrated Bridge System (IBS) Praxis
The Mega-Guard Integrated Bridge System provides the following functions: Integrated Navigation system, Integrated Manoeuvring System, Miscellaneous Bridge Controls.
The Mega-Guard IBS integrates all bridge equipment and complies with the one man integrated bridge philosophy and has a full redundant lay-out according class rules LRS {IBS NAV1), DNV {NAUT-AW) and BV (SYS). The complete bridge is built-up with identical hardware and software components from the Mega-Guard product line.
Integrated Navigation System
The Mega-Guard Integrated Navigation System is based upon a minimum of three and a maximum of ten Operator Workstations. On each Operator Workstation the following functions are available:
  • ARPA X and S Band radar with chart overlay.
  • Conning including centralized alarm system and bridge watch alarm system.
  • ECDIS with radar overlay.
  • Alarm, monitoring and control.
Each Mega-Guard Operator Workstation is equipped with a Marine Personal Computer, a 22'-26' TFT colour display and a Trackball for easy operation. The Operator Workstations are inter-connected via a redundant Ethernet link. The Mega-Guard X and S Band antenna-transceivers are directly connected to the redundant Ethernet link as well. All navigation sensors are wired to the Operator Workstations in a redundant way. The Mega-Guard ARPA X and S band radar are designed to comply with the applicable IMO and Solas rules for seagoing vessels. Two different sizes TFT colour widescreen displays are available a 26' (350mm radar image) and a 22' (300mm radar image). All Mega-Guard radars have as a standard ARPA function including ATA/EPA and AIS display functionality. The ARPA radar supports the chart overlay function (full chart, simple chart or no chart).


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Integrated Bridge System (IBS) Praxis

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Decoding of NMEA signals (Part 1) Decoding of NMEA signals (Part 1) This section describes the functionality associated with the reception of data from navigation sensors, supporting the standard IEC 61162-1 or NMEA 0183.