Antenna Comrod AV-19

Antenna Comrod AV-19
AV-19 is a ship VHF antenna manufactured by Comrod, designed to operate in the frequency range 118-136 MHz. The AV-19 has a gain of 2 dB and an input power of 200W. The antenna consists of a dipole element built into the polyurethane foam and encased in a glass fiber reinforced tube. AV-19 has a length of 1.7 m and can be mounted on two welded brackets or attached directly to the mast.

  • Frequency range: 118-136 MHz
  • Impedance: 50 Ohm
  • Rated Power: 100W
  • Amplification: 2 dB
  • Polarization: vertical

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Antenna Comrod AV-19

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