
Triton-92L is an automatic equipment identification system (AIS) Class B required on vessels of any type to ensure the safety of navigation in ports and busy waterways. The device is small and does not take up much space, and thanks to robust metal housing Triton-92L can be installed in any udobmnom place, even in a small boat.
Principle of operation of the AIS-92L Triton zalyuchaetsya in the reception and transmission of messages on VHF waves. AIS messages can contain:
  • identifying information about the object,
  • information about the state of the object is obtained automatically from the control object (including some electroradionavigating devices)
  • information on the geographical and temporal coordinates that AIS receives from the global navigation satellite system
  • information entered manually waitstaff object (security-related).
Specifications Triton-92L:
  • Frequency Range: 161.975 MHz MHz (87), 162.025 MHz (88)
  • Display: 12.1 '
  • Positioning accuracy: 3 m
  • Battery life: at least 3 hours
  • Compliance Standards: IP67
  • Power supply: 220 V (50 Hz), 7.2 V DC
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