
SmartFind m5 ais

SmartFind m5 ais
The SmartFind m5 AIS is a Class A automatic Identification System (AIS) developed by McMurdo. It is equipped with a 3.5-inch color LCD display with a built-in coastline map, which allows you to accurately display AIS-equipped vessels. The device receives signals from individual McMurdo beacons and supports the MOV (man overboard) function.

The SmartFind m5 AIS provides users with the ability to instantly receive information about the status of AIS vessels in the vicinity, which significantly improves safety and ease of navigation. This system can work both independently and integrate with electronic mapping systems (ECDIS, ECS, chartplotters) via the NMEA0183, NMEA2000 and USB interfaces. It is also possible to connect to a PC using the AIS Viewer software included in the package.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Dimensions: 165 x 55 x 85 mm
  • Weight: 2.5 kg
  • Operating temperature: -15 C to +55 C
  • Storage temperature: -20 C to +70 C
  • Power consumption: average 9W, maximum 65W
  • Power supply requirements: 12/24 V DC
  • Default frequencies:
  • AIS1: 161.975 MHz
  • AIS2: 162.025 MHz
  • DSC Channel 70: 156.525 MHz

The SmartFind m5 AIS is a reliable and high—performance Class A automatic identification system solution that provides accurate and efficient navigation management in all conditions.
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SmartFind m5 ais

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