- Headsets
- Hydrostat
- Spare parts for Command Intercom System
- Spare kit for gyrocompass
- Parts and accessories for Typhon
- Magnetrons
- Converters and distributors
- Batteryless telephone system
- Fire safety systems
- Ship displays and PC
- Ship Typhon
- Battery
- Power Supply
- Additional units
- Video
- Limiters
- Antennas
- Blocks for testing
- Connecting cables
- Echosounder sensors
Our production
Alarm and monitoring systems. Inland waterway ships
Alarm and monitoring systems. Inland waterway ships
Alarm and monitoring systems are intended to monitor and register automatically all the essential parameters of the installation and display any abnormalities that have occurred. It saves time-consuming watchkeeping rounds, registers more information accurately, but is certainly no substitute for an engineer who, on his inspection round in the engine room, may find a small leak in a flange that can turn into a larger problem.
Inland waterway ships
The requirements for alarm and monitoring systems vary with the service of the vessel and associated notation, from inland waterway service with manned engine room notation or coastal service, to unrestricted service with larger engine ratings and UMS notation.
List of alarms for an inland waterway tanker
Steering Console Inland Waterway tanker
2. VHF
3. Propulsion control handle
4. Closed circuit TV
5. Cargo tank level display
6. Rudder controls
7. Bow thruster control
8. Radar display (2)
9. Miscellaneous navigation instruments such as: Gyrocompass, Rate of turn indicator, etc.
10. Mouse for radars and electronic charts
11. Engine monitoring display