Periodical surveys

Periodical surveys


However when the ship is in service, to maintain the validity of the certificates, periodical surveys have to be carried out. Annuel survey, intermediate survey, and special survey, together with other compulsary certificates in a five years cycle. The basic annual electrical survey consists of the following tests and inspections, depending on the type of ship. For example:

1. General

üTesting of all bilge level alarms

üTesting of all watertight doors (operation and alarms), general survey conditions of watertight sealing of electrical equipment when this is intended to be used in submerged conditions

üTesting of main and auxiliary steering gear systems inclusive of alarms

üSurvey of all escape routes, route signs, illumination low level lights

üTesting of communication systems between bridge and engine room and emergency control positions

üTesting of remote-controlled valves and indications

üInspection of main and emergency switchboards and associated cables. Examination under normal operation conditions. Testing of automation, black-out start, power depending start, power management systems, automatic sequential restart systems, non- essential tripping systems. Electric safety inspection, earthing of electrical equipment, especially in wet or dangerous areas

üAll ships: General inspection of alarms and safety devices as well as autostart of standby generator and sequential restart of essential auxiliaries under normal service conditions

üUMS ships: General inspection under working conditions of automation systems such as standby pumps and auxiliaries.

üSample tests of alarms inclusive of bridge, mess room and cabin alarms. Safety timer/dead man alarm systems. Survey as per approved test schedule. Testing of bridge control systems and bridge engine room communication systems.

üNavigation and nautical equipment. General inspection of all equipment under normal operation

üNAV 1 Ships, In addition to general inspection under working conditions of bridge equipment additional alarms and indications, also safety timer and cabin alarms. Survey as per approved test schedule.

üRadio I GMDSS / External communication survey

Crew safety systems. General alarm and emergency lighting system, emergency generator automatic start and if emergency source of power is a battery, a load test of this battery.

Father in addition to 1.:

1.1. Ships transporting dangerous cargo in bulk

ü  Dangerous cargoes in bulk. Inspection of equipment in dangerous areas in relation to the gas group, temperature class and external damage, if any.

ü  Dangerous dusty cargoes. Inspection of equipment in dangerous area, type of enclosure, protection class, eventual external damage.

1.2. Tankers

ü  Dangerous liquid cargoes. Inspection of equipment in dangerous areas, in relation to gas group, temperature class and eventual external damage. Gases from some cargoes are heavier than air and thus form a layer on deck or in any space under the deck.

ü  Liquefied natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas carriers (LNG and LPG ships).

ü  Liquefied natural gas is lighter than air, while liquefied petroleum gas is heavier than air. Inspection of equipment in dangerous areas gas group and temperature class to be verified as well as inspection for damage to ship or equipment.

1.3. Passenger ships

ü  Ship safety systems

ü  Passenger safety systems. General alarm, public address, emergency lighting, transitional lighting systems and low level lighting systems. Batteries and UPS capacity tests are required. Automatic start of emergency generator and operation of associated equipment as fans, fire flaps, air louvres, to be demonstrated.

1.4. Car ferries with bow and stern doors

ü  Door alarms and indications, water level alarms, closed circuit TV monitoring systems (CCTV)

ü  Additional lighting systems for crew and passengers

ü  Equipment in dangerous areas, for instance the lowest 45 centimetres above the car decks where cars are stowed with petrol in their tanks are considered dangerous areas. Also attention for equipment under ramps and swing decks where cars can be stowed. Minimum requirements for equipment on cardecks, etc. above this 45 centimetre layer is protection class IP 55. Car deck ventilation must have at least 10 air changes per hour.

1.5. Dynamic positioned ships

Annual Survey under operational conditions, which means an annual DP trial at a convenient to demonstrate the ope the control system completed with a survey of the total p system, often diesel eleccric. Surveys and tests have to b out as per ship-specific test schedule. Special attention for UPS capacity tests. The the tests is often the FME mode and effect analysis.

1.6. Small ships and yachts

ü  Basic electrical installations

Automation Equipment in dangero where all sorts of e running on petrol, is stored. For requirements see car decks. The ventilation must perform at least 10 air changes per hour. Gas detection must be fitted to an alarm and ment not suitable for this environment must be switched off.

2. Complete five year survey electrical installations

Every five years the electrical installation of a ship must be subjected to a special survey, equal to an annual survey along with the following tests and inspections:

üElectrical insulation resistance measurement of all cables and equipment, motors, generators, switchboards and all consumers, galley, laundry. Also high voltage cables and consumers, if any.

üFittings of main and emergency switchboards to be inspected, which means checking of connections either by torque wrenches or by thermal inspections under load, using infra-red camera. Copper bus bars are relatively soft, the torque when setting bolts is therefore, important.

Checking of bus-bar resistance by special low resistance measuring equipment. Testing of circuit breaker settings and inspections of contacts. Resistance measuring of contacts of vacuum circuit breakers. Calibration of circuit breaker settings and testing of non-essential tripping circuits. General inspection of switchboards

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