Correction of electronic cards Transas (TX-97)

Correction of electronic cards Transas (TX-97)


How to perform the proof-reading of electronic maps

Procedure for performing professional proof-reading of the collection of electronic cards of TX-97 format

All actions are performed by the boatmaster on board the ship

The procedure is performed on the navigation computer, where the map system and the connected computer are installed, where there is an opportunity to access the Internet.

1. On the connected computer on the flash drive, create the "Correction" folder

2. On the connected computer, go to the Transas website

http: //www.transas.c...rt_corrections/

3. From the Transas site download (save the object as ...) the archive file update.exe to the "Correction" folder, located in the Single file section.

4. Download (save the object as ...) to the flash drive in the same folder the archive file Catalog__WF__ TX97.zip, located in the Separate files section

5. Unzip the update.exe file by double-clicking the icon with the left mouse button and get a set of folders (disk01, disk02, etc.)

6. Unzip the resultingCatalogue__WF__ TX97.zip file by right-clicking on the icon and selecting "Extract (unpack) to Catalog_WF_TX97", get the Catalog folder __WF__ TX97

7. Check the USB flash drive for viruses, remove it from the connected computer

8. On the navigation computer with the loaded cartographic system, install the USB flash drive.

9. Click the Tasks button.

10. Select the "Maps" task.

11. Click the "Map Catalog" button. The Chart Assistant utility should load.

12. Press the "Table" button

13. Select "TX97 format".

14. Click the "Update" button.

15. The Scan Disk window opens.

16. Click the Browse button.

17. The Browse for Folder window opens.

18. Specify the path to the folder on the flash drive "Proof" - disk01.

19. Click the OK button.

20. Run the setup.exe file.

21. The Actions available for window appears: #: \ disk01

22. In the window that opens, check the Synchronize chart collection window.

23. Press the OK button.

24. The Chart Corrections window opens. With the date_year, month, number.

25. In the Welcome window, click Next.

26. The Select Target Directory window opens (the default is C: \ Transas \ IL4000)

27. Press the Next button.

28. The Install License window opens. (default is "No")

29. Click the Next button.

30. The Chart Collection window opens.

31. Click Next.

32. The Start Installation of Electronic Chart Corrections window opens.

33. Press the Start button.

34. The Chart Collection window opens.

35. Press the OK button.

36. The Chart Correction Setup window opens.

37. Press the Exit button.

38. The Chart Assistant window opens, in which you can observe the progress of the proof-of-installation installation.

39. When the installation is complete, the Chart Assistant last operation log window opens, where you can see the result of the last operation.

40. Click the Close button.

41. Proofreading completed.

42. Click the Update button.

43. The Scan Disk window opens.

44. Click the Browse button.

45. The Browse for Folder window opens.

46. ​​Specify the path to the folder Catalog__WF__ TX97

47. Click the OK button.

48. Run the setup.exe file.

49. The Actions available window appears for #: \ Correction \ Catalogue__WF__ TX97

50. In the window that opens, check the Synchronize chart collection window.

51. Press the OK key.

52. The Chart Assistant window opens, where you can observe the progress of the installation of the catalog and the creation of a new collection.

53. After the creation of a new collection, the Chart Assistant last operation log window opens, where you can see the result of the last operation.

54. Click the Close button.

55. The installation of the Chart Catalog is complete.

56. Enter the Inland ECDIS / ECDIS Program.

57. The "Map collection updated" window will appear. Click OK.

After completing the whole procedure, making sure that the proof is installed, it is recommended to delete all information from the "Correction" folder on the USB flash drive to prepare it for a new proof-reading in a week.

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