Terms of ECDIS equipment

Terms of ECDIS equipment


TERMS OF EQUIPMENT OF VESSELS engaged on international voyages

Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS) 

in accordance with IMO Resolution MSC.282 (86) 

Year Built
Type / gross tonnage   to 01.07.2012
Passenger gross 500 and more 01.07.2012 and after No later than the first survey of a passenger ship after 30.06.2014
Liquid gross 3 000 and more 01.07.2012 and after No later than the first survey of the equipment and supplies after 30.06.2015
Vessels of 10 000 or more (other than passenger and liquid) 01.07.2013 
and after
Vessels of 3,000 or more but less than 10 000 (other than passenger and liquid) 01.07.2014 
and after


    until 01.07.2013
Vessels of 50,000 or more (other than passenger and liquid)   No later than the first survey of the equipment and supplies after 30.06.2016
Vessels of 20 000 or more but less than 50 000 (other than passenger and liquid)   No later than the first survey of the equipment and supplies after 06/30/2017
Vessels of 10 000 or more but less than 20 000 (other than passenger and liquid)   No later than the first survey of the equipment and supplies after 30/06/2018

Position of 19 'requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment.' 

In paragraph 2.1, the existing sub-4, which is replaced by the following: 
Nautical charts and nautical publications planning and mapping routes for the construction of the vessel intended voyage and positioning throughout the voyage. Electronic Chart Display and Information (ECDIS) is also accepted as the equipment performing requirements of passenger ships of this subparagraph. Ships to which paragraph 2.10 applies shall meet the requirements for ECDIS, which it clarified. 
After the existing paragraph 2.9, new paragraphs 2.10 and 2.11 are added as follows: 
2.10 Ships engaged on international voyages must be equipped with an electronic mapping and information system (ECDIS) as follows: 
.1 Passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed after July 1, 2012; 
.2 Tankers of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed after July 1, 2012; 
.3 Cargo ships other than tankers, of 10,000 gross tonnage and above built after July 1, 2013; 
.4 Cargo ships other than tankers, of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 10,000 built after July 1, 2014; 
.5 Passenger ships of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2012, not later than the first survey * on or after July 1, 2014; 
.6 Tankers of 3,000 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2012 not later than the first survey * on or after July 1, 2015; 
.7 Cargo ships other than tankers, of 50,000 gross tonnage and above constructed before 1 July 2013, not later than the first survey * on or after July 1, 2016; 
.8 Cargo ships other than tankers, of 20,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000, constructed before 1 July 2013 not later than the first survey * on or after July 1, 2017; 
.9 Cargo ships other than tankers, of 10,000 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 20,000, constructed before 1 July 2013 not later than the first survey * on or after July 1, 2018. 
2.11 Administrations may exempt ships from the application of the requirements of paragraph 2.10, when such vessels are found to be finally coming out of the system within two years after the date of implementation referred to in subparagraphs a .5 to .9 of paragraph 2.10.

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