New standards for ECDIS Amendment 1.

New standards for ECDIS Amendment 1.

New standards for ECDIS Northrop Grumman Sperry Marine.
Amendment 1.
In accordance with the mandatory provision of safety of navigation in the maritime industry, constantly being updated ECDIS products, which is associated with changes in the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO).
IMO Circular (MSC.1 / Circ.1503) «ECDIS - Guide to good practice' emphasizes the importance of software and maintenance of ECDIS, and also claims that the ECDIS does not update to the latest version of the IHO standards can not meet the requirements.
IMO Member State approved the proposal to extend the date of cancellation of the IHO previous standards S-52, S-63 and S-64. The transition period for updating ECDIS systems will last until August 31, 2017.
To support Sperry Marine VisionMasterFT currently carried out work on the release of the new software.
New versions of the IHO standards.
In June 2015 the ICO issued a press release with the new version of the standard S-52, S-63 and S-64. The revised standards reflect new experiences and learning from the past, which leads to an improvement in both the display and to increase the functionality of electronic navigation charts. Update VisionMaster FT ECDIS for new standards will provide the following benefits:
  • New and improved report on the state of electronic navigation maps.
  • Reducing the number of high-priority alerts.
  • Adding the names of 'fairways and anchor region' for ENC display.
  • A new symbolism, to facilitate the identification markings on the cards, which are used in the prevention of danger.
  • A new symbolism, to facilitate identifying automatically update the ENC.
  • Easy determination of the date-dependent objects (eg, seasonal sports buoys), allowing sailors to adapt the route planning.
  • Simplified filters 'view in the group', giving the operator full control over the display of objects.
  • Improved standardization of the nomenclature and symbols.

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