AIS FA-100. Connecting AIS to a computer

AIS FA-100. Connecting AIS to a computer


There are 2 connection options

OPTION 1 is the simplest

AIS FA-100. Connecting AIS to a computer

COM port J2. The chipmaker is standard. IEC-61162-1 standard means that the transmission rate of 4800 baud

Diagram of connection to the terminals of the D-type connector on 9 terminals on the rear panel of the 

1 Not used

2 Transmission of RS232. 

3 Receiving via RS232

4 Not used

5 Grounding RS232

6 Not used

7 Not used

8 Not used

9 Not used


We find here such a block. We open it and look at the board. Each connector is written for what it is, on the cover is also available. Accordingly, the ports:
AIS FA-100. Connecting AIS to a computer 

AIS FA-100. Connecting AIS to a computer 

  • EXTRA-1
  • Long Range

To determine the signal line "A" and "B" 

Use a digital voltmeter to measure the voltage across the signal line with respect to 
ground. If the voltmeter shows a negative voltage, then the line on which the
measurement is taken  belongs to the category "A", the positive voltage indicates a signal 

line "B". If the voltmeter is not - simply connect to the device and check the correctness of the data arrival, if the data does not arrive - change the polarity.

IMPORTANT: When connecting several external devices, it is recommended to install the NMEA splitter to amplify the signal and prevent the port from failing

MORE IMPORTANT: For violations in the operation of the equipment it is recommended that this work be performed by a specialist.

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