Form Certifications 6.5.30

30 June, 2017

The Russian Maritime Register of Shipping announced a new form of issuing certificates (Certificates of Form 6.5.30)

Certificates f.6.5.30 will be issued in electronic form and certified by an electronic digital signature (EDS) of the inspector. According to the results of the work performed and after payment of the RS services, an email will be sent to the specified address from representatives of the Maritime Register containing direct links to certificates f.6.5.30 posted on the RS website. When you click on these links, you will open f.6.5.30 matches containing the attributes of EDS and QR code.

Certificates, if necessary, can be printed and transferred to the customer.
For viewing on the site of the PC issued certificates f.6.5.30 you can use the QR code.

Оформление свидетельств ф.6.5.30 в бумажной копии с подписью и печатью инспекгора не предусматривается.
Ранее выданные свидетельства остаются действующими и не требуют переоформления.

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