PSR certificate
24 July, 2018

Is granted acceptance for conducting the Performance Testing of VDR - SVDR in service vessels on behalf of PANAMA SHIPPING REGISTRAR INC in accordance with standards to be applied and observed as per Flag, Class and IMO Regulations when conducting surveys in connection with the issuance of Full Term Statutory / Class Certificates.
- The annual testing of the performance of VDR and simplified flight data recorders (S-VDR)
- Installation of the GMDSS according to the requirements of SOLAS 1974, as amended, Chapter IV - Radio communication.
- Inspection and maintenance of GMDSS equipment in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS 1974 and as amended, Chapter III, Reg.6.2 - Radio rescue devices.
- Inspection and maintenance of GMDSS equipment in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS 1974, as amended, Chapter V, Reg.19 - Shipborne navigation equipment.
- Inspection and maintenance of AIS equipment in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS 1974, as amended, chapter V, reg. 18.9
Panama Shipping Registar INC, commonly known as PSR, has been established in accordance with the Panama Act since 1984 and is concerned with ensuring the safety of navigation.