Zenitel P-66 microphone

Zenitel P-66 microphone
Handheld Microphone Zenitel P-66 - Waterproof with high coefficient of noise resistance.
Suitable for use in noisy environments, and on the decks of the ship. Resistant to adverse environmental conditions.
Compatible with the central unit: SPA-V2, CTB-10W / V01, ETB-10, ETB-100A, CU-20, CU-200 and horn speaker VML-1520.
Widely used in Public Address systems and Talk-Back. It provides messaging with high-quality speech. Robust and compact housing ensures reliable operation Zenitel P-66 for a long time.
  • Resistance - 200 ohms
  • Sensitivity - 0.5 mV
  • Power - 0.2 W
  • Working temperature - -30 ° C +60 ° C
  • Protection - IP-47
  • Weight - 0.3 kg
  • Dimensions - 54 x 82 x 55 mm
Customer can order hand-held microphone Zenitel P-66 with a cable length of 10 meters.
Zenitel P-66 microphone
Available for order

Zenitel P-66 microphone

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