Gyrosphere MKT007 (for CMZ900)

Gyrosphere MKT007 (for CMZ900)
Gyrosphere MKT007 (for CMZ900)
Gyrosphere MKT007 (for CMZ900)
Gyrosphere MKT007 (for CMZ900)

Gyrosfer MKT007 - is the main (sensitive) element gyrocompass series Yokogawa CMZ900.

Our company is engaged in the supply and maintenance of the Gyrosphere MKT007 (CMZ900).

  • In order to place an order for the delivery or servicing of the CMZ700 Sensitive Element, contact the manager by mail to  sales@cirspb.ru  or to the service department of service @ cirspb.ru
  • If you have any questions, please call: in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 679-09-10 and +79045531441,
  • in Petrozavodsk (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.вЃ 
  • Time of reduction to the meridian: Within 5 hours (in working condition after 2 hours)
  • The accuracy of the course readings: ± 0.25 ° x sec (latitude)
  • Working conditions:
  • Angle of rolling: ± 40 ° (side) ± 40 (keel)
  • Beat: 0.5G / 0.5 sec
  • Temperature: -10 to + 55 ° C
Available for order

Gyrosphere MKT007 (for CMZ900)

to order
Call our sales manager

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