Granit KP 2P-2/RT

Granit KP 2P-2/RT
KP 2P-2/RT - is a device for radio programming Santel. Also suitable for use with the relay RT-33.
The package includes instructions on putting the necessary parameters for operation.

Contents of delivery:
  • Programmer
  • CD with software
  • Instructions
  • Packaging
Due to the possibility of modifying the programmer carried radio, by expanding its functionality with new features. KP-2P 2 / RT - kmpaktnaya circuit board which is mounted in the housing of switches. Setting the radio is achieved by setting the switches to certain positions.

  • Compatibility - "Granit" radio stations and "RT-33" repeater
  • Operating temperature - +5 + 45 ° С
  • Relative humidity is 98%
  • Lifetime - about 10 years
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Granit KP 2P-2/RT

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Principle of operation BNWAS Principle of operation BNWAS Principle of operation BNWAS