What to do for the TT3606E with SD cards

What to do for the TT3606E with SD cards


On questions and answers, "Google" found the following question:


At the satellite communication station Inmarsat-C, the Thrane & Thrane 3606E message console installed a card reader under the SD flash memory to the Floppy drive port. On the hands is a 4GB card. I try to adapt, but what I do not, the system refuses to see it. CRITICAL DRIVE ERROR. Formatted the memory to the required 1.44MB, changed the file system using the Acronis Disc Director utility. Nothing helps. Maybe someone has already done this, please respond. Perhaps something is wrong in the BIOS of the terminal itself, maybe just the system can not chew the card, even with the cut-off memory. Any information is appreciated. Yours faithfully Dmitry Vaitkevičius, AK supervision team / marine superintendant.

Ready to answer the following:
Usually in the supplies the card reader comes with a software, in which there are all necessary files and a readme containing the following information:

The floppy image file "STARTUP.hfe" must be present at the root of the SD Card. 
The floppy image file "STARTUP.hfe" contains all infornmation and data necessary for the Floppy Emulator to work.

The default floppy image file "STARTUP.hfe" found at the root simulates a 1.44MByte floppy drive.
If a 720kByte drive is needed, simply copy the \720K\STARTUP.hfe image file to the root.

To prepare a new SD Card, simply format it as FAT32.
Then copy the appropiate STARTUP.hfe to the SD Card. No other files are needed.
(FAT32 is the default on SDHC, thus in that case no formatting is needed).

In case the files inside the image file need to be accessed on a Windows PC, simply run the \vfd_hxc\vfdwin.exe
and follow the instructions given in \vfd_hxc\readme_hxcfloppyemulator.txt

When updating firmware in the TT-3606E, please request the appropiate "STARTUP.hfe" image file from T&T and copy 
it as THE ONLY file onto a FRESHLY FORMATTED FAT32 SD Card. Make sure the TT-3606E is configured to boot from
floppy as the first boot device, REPLACE the SD Card and turn on power. Follow the normal install procedure.

If somehow you do not have a flash drive or it's empty - write to me on the mail and I'll send the software.

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