IMO Performance Standard for RADAR

IMO Performance Standard for RADAR

29.10.2020 OVERVIEW
• Current IEC Regulations
• Current SOLAS Regulations
• Future IEC Regulations
• Future SOLAS Regulations

Radar Performance Standards (current)
• Environmental Requirements – IEC 60945 4th edition
• Performance Requirements – IEC 60936-1 & IEC 936(1988)
• High Speed Craft Requirements – IEC 60936-2
• ARPA Performance Requirements – IEC 60872-1 & IEC872(1987)
• ATA Performance Requirements – IEC 60872-2
• EPA Performance Requirements – IEC 60872-3
• Use and Display of AIS - IEC/PAS 60936-5
• All Products carry the wheelmark
• ITU Regulations general

Current Carriage Requirements:
Standard Speed Vessels from 1st July 2002
Type of Vessel 0 to 300 GT 300 to
500 GT
500 to
1,000 GT
1,000 to
3,000 GT
3,000 to
10,000 GT
10,000 GT
1 x 180 EPA
X Band
1 x 180 EPA
X Band
1 x 180 ATA
X Band
1 x 250 ATA
X band
1 x 250 ATA
X Band +
1 x 250 ATA
S Band
1 x 340 ATA
(X or S Band) +
1 x 340 ARPA
(S or X Band)
1 x 180 EPA
X Band
1 x 180 ATA
X Band
1 x 250 ATA
X band
1 x 250 ATA
X Band +
1 x 250 ATA
S Band
1 x 340 ATA
(X or S Band) +
1 x 340 ARPA
(S or X Band)
Radar Carriage Requirements (Minimum)
From 1 July 2002 (Standard Vessels)
Note 1: From 1 July 2002 where it is mandatory to fit two radars one must be X Band (9 GHz) and one must be
S Band (3 GHz) unless the local administration states that two X band radars are permissable.
Note 2: From 1 July 2002 all new buildings must comply with the new carriage rules. Existing tonnage
does not need to change the radar fit unless any part of the existing radar fit is to be changed or modified
in which case the new fit must be extended to comply with the new regulations. At this time there is no
final deadline set for all existing tonnage to comply.
Note 3: ARPA may be fitted in place of ATA or EPA
Note 4: ATA may be fitted in place of EPA

Current Carriage Requirements:
High Speed Craft
Type of Vessel 0 to 500 GT 500 to 10,000 GT
or to carry > 450 pass.
Above 10,000 GT
1 x Colour 250
X Band
2 x 250 Colour Displays
At least one display
must be ATA or ARPA
1 x X Band & 1 x S Band
2 x 340 Colour Displays
At least one display
must be ATA or ARPA
1 x X Band & 1 x S Band
1 x Colour 250
X Band
2 x 250 Colour Displays
At least one display
must be ATA or ARPA
1 x X Band & 1 x S Band
2 x 340 Colour Displays
At least one display
must be ATA or ARPA
1 x X Band & 1 x S Band
Radar Carriage Requirements (Minimum)
Current and Future Situation (High Speed Craft)
Note 1: Where two radars are specified one must always be X Band the other should be S Band
unless the local administration permits a second X Band.
Note 2: The HSC code as it exists and as it is being amended does not make specific reference to
vessels over 10,000 GT but our interpretation is based upon the IMO's desire to bring the relevant
part of the HSC Code (Chapter 13) in line with Chapter V of the revised edition of SOLAS.

Changes to Radar Performance Standards
• Current Radar Systems tested against –
– IEC 60936-1 Standard Craft
– IEC 60936-2 High Speed Craft
– IEC 60936-3 Chart Radar
– IEC PAS 60936-5 AIS
– IEC60872-1 ARPA
– IEC60872-2 ATA
– IEC60872-3 EPA
– IEC60945 – General Requirements
• As from July 2008 the above Standards are replaced
by the following:
– IEC 62388 -a single Radar Performance Standard IEC62388. This
changed was introduced in response to IMO Resolution
– IEC62288 - a harmonised specification for colours and symbology
for Radar & ECDIS
– IEC60945 – Climatic performance remains unchanged
Major Changes to the Radar Standards
• Defines in more detailed long range detection requirements.
• Will include tests for small target detection in sea and rain clutter. (e.g. 4mm and
16mm of rain per hour and sea states 2 and 5).
• For HSC, bearing discrimination will be 2.5°. (Currently 4°)
• EPA, ATA & ARPA disappear
• On larger radar the minimum radar circle reduces from 340mm to 320mm. (250 & 180
remain unchanged)
• More demanding ARPA scenarios
• Mandatory introduction of the Consistent Common Reference Point (CCRP)
• The retention of trails (or history dots) after a range change.
• Greater emphasis on product documentation
• Colours and symbology harmonised with ECDIS
• New radar types CAT 3, CAT 2 & CAT 1 created.
• The ability to switch immediately between true and relative trails
• The retention of trails following a picture offset or reset.
• ARPA & AIS Association

SOLAS Applicability
• MSC Adoption MSC.192(79) Adopted
• FDIS Available Issued Nov 07
• Type Approval can commence December 07
(NGSM have commenced Type Approval and expect completion for VMFT in Q2 of 2008)
• Last date for existing radars July 2008
• New installations must be to new standard Jul 2008
• EPA, ATA, ARPA become obsolete Jul 2008

(adopted on 6 December 2004)
1. ADOPTS the Revised Recommendation on performance
Standards for radar equipment set out in the Annex to the
present resolution;
2. RECOMMENDS Governments to ensure that radar equipment
installed on or after 1 July 2008 conform to performance
standards not inferior to those set out in the Annex to the
present resolution

….. amending the Council Directive 96/98/EC on marine equipment
Article 2
Equipment listed as 'new item' under the heading 'item designation' of
Annex A.1 which was manufactured before the date referred to in Article
3(1) in accordance with procedures for type-approval already in force
before the date of adoption of this Directive within the territory of the
Member State mentioned below, as well as equipment listed in Annex A.1,
Sections 4 and 5, bearing the mark and manufactured before the date
referred to in Article 3(1), may be placed on the market and on board a
Community ship, the certificates of which were issued by or on behalf of a
Member State in accordance with international conventions, during the two
years following that referred to in Article 3(1).

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