Performance Standards for VDR

Performance Standards for VDR

Performance Standards for VDR
Annex 26.
Resolution MSC.163 (78) of 17 May 2004 year.
Referring to Article 28 (b) of the Convention on the International Maritime Security and Resolution A.886 (21), agreed that adopting performance standards for radio and navigational equipment, as well as amendments thereto, shall be performed by the Maritime Safety Committee. It should be noted that these requirements will also apply to cargo and passenger vessels.
The new standards include the following:
1. Referring to the operational requirements of the ship's equipment, it is allowed to use a simplified version of the VDR (S-VDR) on cargo ships.
2. Shipowners performing work under the flag of the cargo ship, recommended in the near future to establish URDR, in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS.
3. Operational requirements URDR must comply with the standards listed below.
References to the operational requirements URDR.
1.1 URDR should be able to issue a timely and dynamic characteristics of the information about the vessel, which will be available in both the administration and the shipowner, for the study the causes of the incident.
URDR 2.1 must be installed on ships of classes defined in Chapter V of SOLAS, as amended.
3 References.
3.1 SOLAS:
- 1995 SOLAS Conference resolution 12.
3.2 IMO resolution (operational requirements and standards):
- A.662 (16)
- A.694 (17)
- A.802 (19)
- A.810 (19)
- A.812 (19)
- A.824 (19)
- A.830 (19)
- A.861 (20)
- MSC.64 (67
- MSC.64 (67)
4.1 Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (S-VDR) is a complete system, including any items required to interface with the sources of input, processing and coding of data, in the final recording medium, power supply and backup power supply.
4.2 URDR sensor is a device for receiving data external vessel.
4.3 Final recording medium means the item of hardware on which data is recorded, it will be restored and played back using the appropriate equipment.
4.4 Playback equipment means equipment that is compatible with the recording medium and
the format used during recording.
4.5 Dedicated reserve power source means a secondary battery.
5.1 General
5.1.1 S-VDR should continuously maintain sequential records of preselected data items relating to the status and the issuance of the ship's equipment, and command and control ship.
5.1.2 In order to enable subsequent analysis of factors surrounding an incident recording method should be noted that all the navigational elements vessel operating under a common date and under the same general time.
5.1.3 final recording medium. final recording medium to be installed in a secured or fixed buoy or capsule unconstrained Fixed type protective capsule should meet the requirements set out in A.861 (20), with the exception of the resulting requirements for keeping
penetration. Free capsule should provide data for 7 days (168 hours) after the incident.
5.2.1 The equipment should be designed practical and easily accessible way.
5.2.3 registration method must be such that each navigation element checked for integrity and serviceability.
5.3 The continuity of the work.
5.3.1 In order to ensure that the S-VDR continues to record events during the incident, it must be able to work from the ship's emergency power source.
5.3.2 If the ship's emergency power supply fails, S-VDR should
continue recording from a special backup power supply for 2 hours. At the end of the allotted time, recording stops automatically.
5.3.3 Recording should be continuous.
5.4 Data elements for recording.
5.4.1 The date and time linked to UTC.
5.4.2 Latitude and longitude, as well as the coordinate system used on the vessel must be obtained from the electronic equipment that determines the position fixing system (EPFS).
5.4.3 The speed of the ship is a derivative of an indicator derived from the measuring equipment
5.4.4 SHD must produce a continuous audio recording on the bridge.
5.4.5 One or more microphones positioned on the bridge should be placed so that conversations near the stations, radar displays, tables, graphs, etc., adequately recorded.
5.4.6 VHF communications, relating to the operation of the vessel must also be registered.
5.4.7 URDR should maintain registration data received from radar stations, in accordance with the MSC 78/26 / Add.2 ANNEX 26.
5.4.8 Data AIS system can be recorded, as sources of additional information about the location of the nearest vessels.
6.1 The device must operate automatically.
7 interface.
7.1 Pairing with a variety of sensors, should be in accordance with the requirements of the international standard A.861 (20).


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