ECDIS types

ECDIS types

ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display and Information System) - is a specialized equipment, which includes:
  • Hardware,
  • Software.
Electronic Chart Display and Information System is designed to display electronic navigational charts and the provision of information about the location of the vessel. The system determines the data using global navigation satellite systems such as GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, and with the help of navigation parameters, such as the purpose of AIS / ARPA, relative / absolute speed, wind speed / direction and parameters of magnetic and gyro compasses.
ECDIS is used to increase the level of automation of the skipper of activity, as well as for the provision of reliable and accurate information on the mapping and navigation conditions. 
ND 2-020101-078, Charles the V, p. 5.15.12 The chart information to be used in ECDIS should be the latest edition, updated formal proofs, and published by the Government or on its behalf, Hydrographic Service, or other relevant state authority and must comply with the IHO standards.
 At the moment, there are official and not official electronic charts.
The 'official' e-card - is a navigation map, which was developed by the Government of the hydrographic service. Also, these cards can be issued by other government agencies, which are responsible IHO standards.
'It is not an official' e-card - it is any other type of e-card. A significant disadvantage is that it can not fully meet the requirements of SOLAS and completely replace paper maps. Most of these cards are used as auxiliary.
Formats of the 'official' card:
  • Service Admiralty Vector Chart (United Kingdom Hydrographic Office) AVCS.
AVCS - is a service that contains data ENC, which meet the requirements of SOLAS Convention (of SOLAS) for use in electronic chart display and information systems (ECDIS). 
Electronic database of marine data (TADS - Transas Admiralty Data Service) - are electronic cards SENC format. In turn, they are based on data service Admiralty Vector Chart. The process of creating SENC format cards fully tested and approved by the Norwegian certification company (DNV). 
 'Official' cards S (ENC).
Formats not 'official' card: 
TX-97 - is a format electronic vector charts. These maps are based on paper and issued by national hydrographic offices. These cards do not replace paper charts, but are merely a means of providing additional information.
Digitisation is fully compliant with ISO-2000 international quality standards: 9001. These cards provide complete coverage of oceans and updated in accordance with the 'Notice to Mariners', issued by hydrographic offices around the world. TX-97 are of the highest quality color palette and meet most of the requirements in the field of ECDIS display map information on the display.
Examples of informal e-cards are:
  •  Base data vector maps C-MAP Professional, manufactured by Jeppesen Marine,
  • E-vector maps TX-97, manufactured by Transas Group.
  • In order to correspond to the ECDIS IMO MSC Resolution 232 (82) and could replace paper maps, this must be set the 'official' electronic card S (ENC).
Read more about 'not official' maps:
  • To create electronic cards used ordinary paper maps
  • Electronic charts are created in the Mercator projection, and converted to the WGS-84 coordinate system. This decision is due to the fact that the WGS-84 is used by virtually all means of satellite navigation.
  • The chart information taken from a paper map, supplemented by information taken from other nautical publications ( 'Sailing Directions', 'Lights and signs'). This information is stored together with the card.
Electronic card format ENC and SENC:
SENC (System Electronic Navigation Charts) - a format ENC Electronic Navigational maps for use in systems ECDIS and ECS. Card format ENC / S-57 is a format for exchanging data between hydrographic societies.
Terms and abbreviations related to ECDIS:
  • ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS - Electronic Chart Display and Information System) - a system that, while ensuring the duplication may be recognized as a means of replacing the use of the corrected navigation map. This goal is achieved by combining information from a System Electronic Navigational Chart (SENC), with data on the position of the vessel, from navigation sensors, allowing for planning and route navigation and display additional information, if necessary. Inland - river navigation and mapping system that satisfies the requirements of the national river register ( 'Rules for the classification and construction of inland waterway vessels Part 4, paragraph 25.10.' And RD 52-013-01 'System Electronic Chart Display and Information System for inland waterways') .
  • RCDS - Raster Chart Display System (RKNIS) - mapping navigation system with display raster navigational charts.
  • ECS -Electronic Chart System (ECS) - the electronic mapping system that displays not official vector maps or simplified system, which (the official electronic charts can be installed at the same time on it) does not satisfy all the requirements of IMO MSC Resolution 232 (82). For ECS developed a special IEC-62376 standard requirements which it must comply. The standard considers three types of ECS (class 'A', «B» and «C»), and defines the requirements for it. In contrast to the ECDIS, ECS can not serve as the official replacement of traditional paper maps, but the opportunities provided by them can have a significant help skippers and improve the safety of navigation.
  • ENC - Electronic Navigational Chart (ENC - electronic navigational chart) - the database is standardized in content, structure and format, designed for use in ECDIS on the authority given by the State Hydrographic Service. ENC should include all the chart information necessary to ensure navigational safety, and, in addition, in the ENC can be entered and additional information that is not usually shown on charts and sailing directions and are contained in other manuals for swimming. The content, structure and format the ENC must comply with the provisions of the IHO S-57.
  • VNC - Vector Navigational chart - vector electronic map made any Hydrographic Service.
  • RNC - Raster Navigational Chart (RNA - Raster Navigational Chart) - facsimile copy of a paper map or maps collection, prepared and circulated by an authorized Hydrographic Service.
  • SENC - System Electronic Navigational Chart - System Electronic Navigational Chart is displayed in ECS or ECDIS.
  • SRNC - System raster navigational chart - System Electronic Navigational Chart is displayed in RKNIS.
  • WEND - World Wide Electronic Navigational Chart Database - World ENC database.
  • RENC (Regional ENC Coordination Center) - a regional focal point for the dissemination of ENC.
  • VAR (Value Added Reseller) - Retailers RENC - organizations that distribute ENCs and provide a full range of electronic navigation services (for example, and the official electronic navigational aids, temporary and preliminary proofs, weather service, etc.). HO - Hydrographic Service;
  • IEC - International Electrotechnical Commission;
  • WGS-84 - Support World Geodetic System coordinates.


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