Ship pyrotechnics

Ship pyrotechnics


Signal rockets 

At least 12 parachute rockets , in accordance with the requirements of Section 3.1 SOLAS, should be on the bridge or next to it.

In addition to them, each lifeboat should contain: two  floating smoke bombs , four parachute rockets and six false guns .

Parachute disaster rockets (Section 3.1 of the IMO LSA Code)

Ship pyrotechnicsThe parachute rocket should:

  • Contain in a waterproof casing;
  • Have brief instructions or diagrams that clearly illustrate the use of a light flare printed on its body;
  • Have integral ignition means;
  • Be designed so as not to discomfort the person holding the casing when used in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions.

The missile should reach a height of at least 300 m with a vertical shot. At the top of its trajectory or in the vicinity of it, the missile resets a flash of flame that must:

  • To burn with a bright red color;
  • Burn evenly with an average light intensity of at least 30,000 cd;
  • Have a burning period of at least 40 seconds;
  • Have a speed of descent no more than 5 m / sec; and

Falshfeyer (Section 3.2 of the IMO LSA Code)

Ship pyrotechnicsA red fire flare must:

  • Keep in a waterproof case;
  • Have a brief instruction or diagram that clearly illustrates the use of the manual flash printed on the case;
  • Have an independent ignition means; 
  • Have a design that does not create discomfort for the person holding the hull, and does not endanger the means of escape from incineration or incandescence of residues when used in accordance with the manufacturer's operating instructions.
  • Have a flash of bright red color;
  • To burn evenly with an average luminous intensity of more than less than 15,000 cd;
  • Have a burning period of at least 1 min; 
  • Continue to burn after immersion for 10 seconds under 100 mm of water.

Floating smoke bombs (Section 3.3 of the IMO LSA Code)

Ship pyrotechnics

Smoke grenades should:

  • Keep in a waterproof case;
  • Do not ignite or explode if used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions for use.
  • Have a brief instruction or diagram clearly illustrating the use of a floating smoke signal printed on the body.
  • Emit smoke of visible color at a uniform rate for at least 3 minutes when swimming in calm water;
  • Do not emit any flame during the entire time of smoke emission;
  • Do not drown in water;
  • Continue to emit smoke when immersed in water for 10 seconds under 100 mm of water.

Light-bearing buoys

Ship pyrotechnics

SOLAS requirements for light-transmitting buoys. (Section 2.1.3 of the IMO LSA Code)

The buoyant light, according to rules III / 7.1.3, should:

  • Emit smoke of visible color at a uniform rate for at least 15 minutes when swimming in calm water;
  • Do not ignite, do not explode and do not emit a flame during the entire time of emission of the smoke signal;
  • Do not drown in water;
  • Continue to emit smoke when fully immersed in water for at least 10 seconds;
  •  Be able to withstand falling into water from the height on which it is laid above the waterline, without impairing its performance and functionality;

Line-cutting devices (Linetems)

Ship pyrotechnics

SOLAS requirements for line-measuring instruments. (Section 7.1 of the LSA Code)

Each line should:

  • To be able to throw the line;
  • Have at least four shells, each of which is capable of carrying a line of at least 230 MTP in calm weather;
  • Have at least four lines, each of which has a tensile strength at break of at least 2 kn;
  • Have a brief instruction or diagram clearly illustrating the use of the linetet. In the case of a rocket fired from a pistol, or an assembly, in the case of a single missile and a line, the missile must be contained in a water-resistant case. In addition, in the case of a shot from a pistol in a container that provides protection from the weather, the line and missiles must be packed together with the ignition means.


Each pyrotechnic device should be marked as follows:

  • Company name, location and brand or style designation
  • Kind of pyrotechnic device
  • Intensity in candela (only for rockets)
  • The burning time (only for rockets and smoke signals)
  • "Use only when the aircraft or ship is seen." (Only for missiles and 3-minute smoke signals)
  • "Officially approved only for use in the daytime" (only for smoke signals)
  • Simple operating instructions (in paragraphs or pictograms)
  • Shelf life (month and year) introduced by the manufacturer is no more than 42 months after the date of manufacture (48 months in the case of propellant components containing pyrotechnic material))
  • The date of manufacture (month and year to be entered by the manufacturer)

In accordance with SOLAS-LSA codes, the expiration date, date of manufacture and batch number must also be marked or clearly visible through the packaging in which the device is sold.

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