AIS Receiver T-55

AIS Receiver T-55

 Receiver ' Transas T55 '- is a compact two-channel receiver with VHF synthesizer operating in the maritime VHF band. It is designed to receive and decode the navigation, static and voyage information from other AIS transponders. 
receiver guarantees increase the safety of navigation in difficult conditions, such as poor visibility or at night. At sea, AIS system provides support radar, especially in rain or snow or interference from water. 


  Receiver 'Transas T55' provides information on ships, buoys, lighthouses, search and rescue helicopters, coastguard units, pilot boats, hydro-meteorological stations, etc., equipped with transponders Automatic Identification System (AIS).  
AIS receiver provides the possibility of obtaining the following information:  
Static information

  • Title;
  • Type of vessel;
  • Call;
  • Number MMSI;
  • Phone IMO;
  • Size.

Dynamic information

  • Location;
  • Speed over the ground;
  • Course over ground;
  • Angular velocity;
  • Rates.

Regular information

  • Destination;
  • Depth;
  • Estimated time of arrival;
  • Navigational status.

Receiver 'Transas T55' in conjunction with other equipment such as radar and electronic chart systems, significantly increases the level of safety of navigation. 



Parameter Value
Electrical Characteristics
Voltage 9-36 VDC
Power consumption 1.5 W
Data transfer rate 38,400 b / d (default)
Format NMEA 0183 ver. 3
NMEA messages VDM, RMC
Frequency AIS1 161,975 MHz 
AIS2 162,025 MHz
Sensitivity -112 DBm
Antenna Impedance 50 ohms
Physical characteristics
W W X X In 136 X 98 X 38 (mm)
Weight 400 g
Connectors PL259 UHF antenna
Port output NMEA2000 
Multi Connector NMEA0183/pitanie



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AIS Receiver T-55

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