Samyung SI-30AR

Samyung SI-30AR

Samyung SI-30AR -  AIS having RMRS approval and PPP 

 In accord with the requirements of the Convention for the Safety SOLAS, determined to 'Universal AIS Transponder Class A' and fulfills the requirements of IMO (International Maritime Organization), MSC (Maritime Safety Committee) Resolution74 (69), Annex 3, 694 (17), ITU-R M.1371-1 and ITU-R DSC M. 825 and also meets the requirements of IEC 61993-2 (Testing Rules), IEC 60945 (EMC and environmental conditions).

Transponder SI-30R / SI-30 includes a VHF and GLONASS / GPS antenna, transponder, controller and other devices, including accessories. The main unit includes a VHF transponder transmitter and two receivers block SOTDMA (Self Organized Time Division Multiple Access) to work on two independent channels, the receiver DSC (Digital Selective Calling) for receiving a signal on channel 70, the interface connecting external devices, communication processor, the internal receiver GLONASS / GPS. Controller has an LCD display with a screen diagonal of 5.6 'and a keyboard to control the transponder.Built-in navigation charges GLONASS / GPS receiver system is using standard UTC time synchronization in order to prevent the problems of access to the channel SOTDMA. This board can also provide data on the position of the vessel, its course and speed when an external navigation receiver, for example, is out of order. AIS transponder SI-30R / SI-30 can operate in several modes:

- 'Autonomous and continuous' mode for action in all areas. This mode can be switched to the appropriate competent authorities in one of the following operations modes;

- 'Assigned' mode for operation in the zone of responsibility of subjects of the competent services: traffic monitoring, such as data transmission interval and / or time slots, which can be set by the competent services;

- 'Polling' or control mode, when data transfer is in response to a request from a ship or competent authority.

Controller screen control displays all the information required for viewing dynamic, static and navigation data as well as safety messages. Information and messages are automatically updated according to the recommendations of ITU-R M. 1371 (for example, static information is updated every 6 minutes, or after the data corrected, or on request, dynamic information, depending on the speed and change of course).



AIS can contribute to the safety of navigation, automatically exchanging navigational data between ships and shore stations, as well as between the courts. It passes:

l Statistical information

  • Phone IMO (if available)
  • MMSI (personal identification number of the vessel)
  • Call Sign and Name (call sign and name of vessel)
  • Length and Beam (Length and Breadth)
  • Ship's Type (type of vessel)
  • The location on the vessel navigation antenna (aft the bow, centered on  port or starboard).


l Dynamic Information

  • The exact position of the vessel and the current status
  • Time (UTC)
  • COG (Course Over Ground)
  • SOG (speed over ground)
  • Route
  • Navigational status (manual input)
  • Rotation factor (when possible)


l Information related to flight

  • Flight Information
  • Sea gauge
  • Hazardous cargo (type)
  • Destination and estimated time of arrival (at the discretion of the shipowner)
  • Itinerary (optional)

l Short messages related to security

List of equipment

















for SI-30R


GPS Antenna


for SI-30


VHF Antenna

SAN - 150



AC Adapter




Receiver differential corrections (DGPS)








Extension of pilot connector with cable up to 100m




Technical characteristics




Reception range

156.025MHz - 162.025MHz

Rx1 Default CH is 87B, AIS (161.975MHz)

Rx2 Default CH is 88B, AIS (162.025MHz)

Rx3 Default CH is 70B, DSC (156.525MHz)


The transmission range

156.025MHz - 162.025MHz

Tx1 Default CH is 87B, AIS (161.975MHz)

Tx2 Default CH is 88B, AIS (162.025MHz)

Tx3 Default CH is 70B, DSC (156.525MHz)

Frequency spacing

12.5KHz or 25KHz

Output power

12.5Watt or 2Watt

I / O Ports

NMEA 0183 (IEC-61162)

  1. External GPS Input
  2. High speed I / O (3 Ports)
  3. Long Range Communication
  4. Sensor I / O (3 Ports)

RS-422 Support for MKD

LCD Monitor

Rx & Tx Indicator

LCD Monitor

Power, Rx, Tx Indicator


MKD (Minimum Keyboard & Display), 5.6 'Color TFT LCD

Overall dimensions

Color TFT LCD: 126.5 (W) x 100 (H) x 6.8 (D) mm,

960 (W) x 234 (H) dots

PCB Size

210mm x 115mm (RF / BB), 140mm x 115mm (MKD)

Operating temperature units

-20 ° C to +55 ° C

Operating temperature of the antenna

-40 ° C to +80 ° C


IEC 60945 (Ed.4)


DC 24V (DC 18V - DC 32V)

Consumption current

Tx mode:  24V DC less than 2.3A

Rx mode:  24V DC no more than 0.65A

Compliance with standards

IEC 61993-2 - IEC Standard for Class A UAIS

IEC 60945 - IEC Standard for Environmental Requirements

TU-RM.1371-1 - UAIS Technical Characteristics

IEC 61162-1 - IEC Standard, Digital Interface Part 1

IEC 61162-2 - IEC Standard, Digital Interface Part 2

SC104-STD - Recommended Standard for Differential DGPS

IEC 61108-1 - IEC Standard for GPS Receiver Equipment

IMO Res. MSC.74 (69) Annex 3.



  • RMRS
  • RRR
Available for order

Samyung SI-30AR

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Periodical surveys Periodical surveys However when the ship is in service, to maintain the validity of the certificates, periodical surveys have to be carried out